Bridging the Gap Between Broadcasting and VR

A new era of broadcasting is being birthed, championed by Killer Bee Studios Network (KBSN). Whether through live shows, podcasts, or VOD, this new era unlocks connections across technology like never before. Brian Curee, the CEO of Killer Bee, believes in the power of firsthand experience. Recognizing the gap in understanding that often exists regarding the Metaverse, Brian took a proactive step. He purchased multiple VR headsets and began shipping them to influential figures in broadcasting, allowing them an immersive dive into the virtual world curated by Killer Bee Studios. This initiative is not just about experiencing the Metaverse; it's about embracing a revolutionary platform that transcends traditional digital boundaries.

While the Metaverse expands, so does our commitment to craft experiences that aren't just entertaining, but also deeply human. Step into our world and feel the difference. We don't just play in VR, we bring it to life.

How It All Started

The first step into the Metaverse can be a revelation. For Brian, the CEO of Killer Bee Marketing, it was an unexpected journey that began while filming a commercial for the CMB's Momentum Broadcasters' Conference in 2022, encouraging broadcasters to not do digital alone. Beyond the pixels and digital landscapes, he saw people seeking solace, escape, and a hint of something genuine. You can watch that video below. FYI: The offer for a free digital advisory group, mentioned at the end is no longer available. 👇

Brian Curee
Brian Curee, CEO of Killer Bee Marketing & World Creator of the Killer Bee Studios Network

This epiphany led him to a compelling question: "How will we share hope and love with people in VR if we're not present?" It wasn't just about advancing the marketing potential on another digital platform or virtual space. It was about embedding the Metaverse with real-life experiences, stories, and emotions that could touch a heart, spark a memory, or even change a life.

Our Mission

We are storytellers, dreamers, and innovators. Our mission is simple yet profound:

  • Connect: Reach out to souls in the digital realm.
  • Share: Share real-life experiences that can help people IRL.
  • Transform: Through virtual interactions, we can help one another navigate life and the challenges we may each face. You're not alone in this journey.